I started working with Lisa 2 months after returning to work. The lack of sleep was getting to me, and after breaking down from exhaustion to a colleague at work, I knew things had to change for the boys and me. Dealing with 2 babies sleeping in the same room, crying at different times, multiple wakes, unsettled for 1-3 hours some nights and trying not to wake the other twin is hard.

But thanks to Lisa's knowledge, approach and experience, we finally see our boys getting a whole night's sleep from 7-6 am. We may have the odd wake, but Lisa has given us the tools to deal with this. We are so grateful for Lisa's help and couldn't recommend her enough. She is so understanding and easy to talk to.

Rosanna--mother to 15-month-old twin boys Jaxon and Alex.

We couldn’t recommend Lisa enough. From the very first video call with Lisa, she made us feel very comfortable with her methods. We didn’t want the “cry it out method”, and never once did Lisa recommend anything like this. Lisa’s approach ensured that our little one was never left distressed. Lisa was full of knowledge and gave us the confidence and knowledge to help our little girl soothe herself back to sleep at night. Previously, she would have needed one of us to hold her hand each time she woke until she settled. Now she can soothe herself back to sleep without getting upset that we are not in the room.

Lisa kept in contact with us constantly throughout the 3 weeks. She was kind, caring, and genuinely lovely, passionate about helping other parents and their little ones get a night's sleep.  We highly recommend Lisa to anybody looking for a gentle approach to helping baby sleep through the night.

Ciara--mother to 9-month-old Fiadh.

I can't recommend or praise Lisa enough. I am a first-time mom to 10-month-old twin boys. When I contacted Lisa, both boys were taking one feed at night, and I struggled to find a daytime routine that worked. After my first call with Lisa, I knew I did the right thing by getting professional help. Although the nighttime feeds weren't my biggest issue, Lisa encouraged me to wean the boys from them. I was hesitant, but Lisa gave me the confidence and support to do it and it was the best advice as within a short period of time, the boys started to sleep better at night. Lisa also suggested changes to their daytime routine and moved them from a three-nap schedule to 2 naps. During the time Lisa worked with us, she was so helpful, and no problem was too big or too small. I think her experience as a twin mom is invaluable as she understood our issues and struggles.

Denise--mother to 10-month-old twin boys